
An Overview

Unlike acts of God, most disasters at an organization can stopped before they happen. And while no organization can stop all of them, stopping just one can save an organization.  Culture predicts behavior and action. Understanding an organization’s culture will shine a light on areas that may be headed towards disaster.  The sooner you find those areas the more time you will have to prevent it. 

At CultureQuantified we work with our clients to cut through the noise in order to quantify and understand their organization’s culture.  

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How Do We Do This?

We start with a comprehensive consultation in which we engage you in a collaborative process to better understand your needs. Then we discuss how our tools might best be utilized within your organization. First steps might include a visit, presentation of our tools, and short training session. Next: We work with you to identify certain “champions” who can help spread the message to others. Then, we engage a larger population with education and training.

Can Measuring Culture Help Your Organization

Get Don Eckenfelder's White Paper, "If You Don't Measure, You Can't Manage. It's No Different with Culture."

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